Dario Ghio has been working in the antiques field since 1974. Thanks to years of work and researches he has developed a considerable experience in this sector and he is always present at the most important and qualified antiques shows. His antique shop, situated in the centre of Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco, is specialized in the European antique silverware and collectables, chosen and exhibited with care and competence. Member of SNA (National Antiques-dealers Syndicate) AAI (Associazione Antiquari d’Italia) and of FIMA (Art-dealers Italian Federation), Dario Ghio has always paid attention to his customers’ needs and he offers delivery services all over the world, restoration assistance and scientific professional advice. By appointment it’s possible to ask for estimates and evaluations in other cities.


Dario Ghio - 25, Bd Princesse Charlotte 98000 Monte-Carlo -