SIRIO TOFANARI (1886-1969)
  Scultura in argento fuso raffigurante una giovane cerbiatta che si gratta la testa con la zampa posteriore sinistra, gli occhi in pasta di vetro nero, su base in marmo verde antico.
Firmata S. Tofanari.
Dim. max l. 33 x h. 34 cm.


Sculpture en argent fondu représentant une jeune biche se grattant la tête de sa patte postérieure gauche, les yeux en pâte de verre noir, sur un socle rectangulaire en marbre vert antique.
Signée S. Tofanari.
Dim. max l. 33 x h. 34 cm.

Sirio Tofanari (1886-1969) est né à Florence.
Après des séjours à Paris et Londres à partir de 1907, il s'installe définitivement à Milan en 1937 où il meurt en 1969.

A silver sculpture depicting a young fawn scratching her head with her left hind paw, eyes in black glass paste, on an antique green marble base.
Signed S. Tofanari.

Sirio Tofanari was a self-taught sculptor who forged a remarkable career in the depiction of rare and exotic animals. He spent some time in London, where he took the opportunity to study the animals at the Natural History Museum. Whilst he mainly exhibited in Italy, his career brought him to a multitude of cities, including Milan, London, Paris, Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. A number of Tofanari's models are held in the collection of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Florence.
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